What Pronouns Are Gender Neutral

What Pronouns Are Gender Neutral

 Here's the Scoop on Gender Neutral Pronouns!

Do you know what gender neutral pronouns are? They are words used to refer to someone without revealing their gender. They are becoming increasingly important as more and more people identify as nonbinary or genderqueer, and therefore don’t want to be referred to by traditional gendered pronouns. 

Let’s dive in and learn about the many different gender neutral pronouns out there!

The Basics of Gender Neutral Pronouns

First things first, let’s define what exactly makes a pronoun gender neutral. Gender neutral pronouns are words used in place of gendered pronouns like “he” or “she”. These words don't refer to any specific gender and instead encompass all genders, making them more inclusive for all people. Some common examples of gender neutral pronouns include “They/Them/Their”, “Ze/Zir/Zirs”, “Ey/Em/Eirs”and “Mx.”.

Using Gender Neutral Pronouns Respectfully

When using gender neutral pronouns, it's important to make sure you're doing so respectfully. Showing respect means using the correct pronouns for each person and not assuming their identity based on their appearance.

It also means being understanding if someone uses different pronouns at different times or changes their preferred pronouns over time. Lastly, it means recognizing that everyone has the right to use whatever type of pronoun they feel most comfortable with without judgement or assumptions from others.

Knowing When To Use Gender Neutral Pronouns

When talking to someone else or writing about them in an article or blog post, it's always best practice to ask what type of pronoun they prefer before assuming anything about their identity. If someone hasn't specified their preferred pronoun yet or doesn't feel comfortable sharing it with you, then it's best to just use their name instead of any kind of pronoun at all. This shows that you care about respecting people's identities and wishes rather than making assumptions about them.

Which One Should I Use?

When it comes to which pronoun you should use, it ultimately comes down to one thing – respect. If you meet someone who uses a particular pronoun, use that pronoun when referring to them. 

It’s important to ask someone what their preferred pronoun is before assuming anything; this shows that you respect their identity and allows them to tell you what makes them feel comfortable. Asking someone what their preferred pronoun is also gives you an opportunity to practise using the correct pronoun in conversation!

Saying “They” instead of “He or She”

Many people default to saying “he or she” instead of using a singular they when referring to someone whose gender is unknown or unimportant. While this may seem like a good way of being inclusive, it actually reinforces traditional ideas about gender roles while disregarding those who don't fit into these binary categories.

By using singular they instead of he or she when talking about someone whose gender isn't known or relevant, we can help create an environment that is more inclusive of all genders - not just men and women.

What are Pronouns?

Pronouns are words that replace nouns in a sentence, but did you know that some pronouns are gender neutral? Gender neutral pronouns focus on the person rather than their gender identity, making them a great way to be inclusive of all genders. In this article, we’ll take a look at some common gender neutral pronouns and how they can be used.

Common Gender Neutral Pronouns

There are a few different gender neutral pronouns that are commonly used. These include they/them/theirs, ze/hir/hirs, and xe/xem/xyr. While these pronouns may seem strange at first, they are quickly becoming more accepted in everyday language.

How to Use Gender Neutral Pronouns

Using gender neutral pronouns is easy! Whenever you’re speaking about someone whose gender you don’t know, or someone who identifies as gender-neutral, it’s polite to use gender neutral pronouns. You can also ask someone what pronouns they use if you’re not sure. It’s important to be respectful and use the pronouns that someone has requested.


In conclusion, there are many types of gender neutral pronouns out there for people to use if they want to be more inclusive in their speech and writing. Knowing which ones to use and when is key to showing respect for everyone's individual identity and preferences.

Using the right pronouns is essential if we want our language—and our society—to be more inclusive of all genders. 

While it can be hard at first to get used to using new words like neopronouns or singular they, with practice everyone can become more comfortable with these concepts! By following these tips, you'll be well on your way towards becoming a master of using gender neutral pronouns!

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